Travels Around

I travel for a living- all over the state of Texas. Usually, I find it interesting. Sometimes it's boring. Especially if you go to the same city or town over and over again. Occasionally, though, I get to go somewhere new and different. Having lived in Austin almost all my life I was always curious about the other parts of Texas I had never been to, like the panhandle, east Texas along the Louisianna border, or south Texas along the border of Mexico. Now I'm getting the chance to find out what they are like.
This week I am in Arlington. I have been here a lot. It's not very exciting, even though it is the home of Six Flags. In the winter time, Six Flags is a very gloomy place. The parking lots are empty, the rides aren't moving and the lights aren't on. It looks very creepy at night all shut down. That's usually when I get to see Six Flags, at night. I am away working during the daylight hours. It seems like I never come here during the summer when the park is open. So I always try to imagine what it would be like for all the lights to be on, the rides moving and the people screaming.
There's not much else to say about Arlington. It's just another town on the road between Dallas and Fort Worth. One of the many small towns that have grown up to meet other small towns around them. You don't even notice when you leave Arlington and enter say..Grand Prarie. They all blend together. Just like the hotels I stay in.
People ask us,"Why don't you go out after work and see the sights?" We do see a lot cool sights just driving around from job to job but, unfortunately, most of the really unique places aren't open at night. Once in a while, when we are somewhere fun, like on the border or at the coast, we might go out and see the sights. Sadly, when you're in a town like Arlington, there's not a whole lot to see except the eerie skeletal remains of Six Flags at night.
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