Happy Thanksgiving

Here it is again. Thanksgiving. Another Turkey Day, my 49th. Hmmm.
I am sitting here in Starbucks as I usually do almost every morning, watching the people and wondering why they are here at Starbucks, not home baking their turkeys and watching the parades. Of course that seems silly to ask since I am here at Starbucks, not home baking a turkey and watching the parades. I KNOW why I am here. But what are their stories.
The old couple that came in to a Starbucks and drank Jones sodas, not coffee. Are they on their way to their grandkids' and killing time before they need to be there? Then there's the runners. A whole pack of them. They obviously ran in some Turkey Day Marathon, cause one of them still has his number tacked to the waist of his shorts. There are a few single people here and there too. Wandering in to buy coffee and a paper. Sometimes they stay and sit for a while to read the paper and sometimes they leave right away. A few people dash in to buy several coffees to go, obviously running home to their Thanksgiving at home. Don't people make their own coffee anymore? Well, we don't, so of course that's a dumb question.
Then there's the poor barrista who is spending her first Thanksgiving away from her family. I remember that feeling. One Thanksgiving I spent alone at the laundrymat doing laundry before heading off to work. That was kind of sad. I was there with a huge family, the men and the kids off to do laundry while the women folk apparently stayed home to bake the Turkey.
It's an interesting holiday. As a kid I just assumed everyone spent the day with family, watching the parades

and waiting for the Turkey to finish cooking. I didn't realize that there were those people who spent it alone, by choice or not. It NEVER occurred to me that some people just didn't celebrate Thanksgiving.
So, for all of you who do enjoy a good Turkey, the parades and the football, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope you are spending the day with family and friends, enjoying life. That's what we should be most thankful for, Enjoying Life.
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