Life is a Bumpy Road

Austin, Texas. Travel in Texas. Life in General. "Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - - -Dylan Thomas

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Location: Austin, Texas, United States

I am an esteemed alumni of Austin College in Sherman Texas (Class of "none of your business"). I graduated with a BA in Liberal Arts as a History Major. Subsequently, I have worked in the human services field since graduation because there aren't too many jobs out there for history majors. Except for my short incarceration in Sherman, I have always lived in Austin, Texas. That's not totally true, I was born in England and lived there approximately 18 months, but for some strange reason I don't remember living there. I travel through out Texas for my job, every week. So beware Texans, I might be coming to a town near you!! I am happily married to a wonderful guy and have 0 (zero, zilch) children. (We just forgot to have them?) I find life amusing now (I used to find it extremely depressing but that's another story). So here's to Life, which after all can be a very bumpy road!

"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions." -Albert Einstein

Sunday, September 03, 2006

My Return to the Road

Well let's see what's up today. Our real vacation (unlike my virtual vacation from blogging) is almost over. I return to the road on Tuesday and I am going to miss my husband, my dogs and my mom. It's been nice to be home for a while with no demands on my time. Unfortunately, I can't "pay the bills" on a life of leisure, so it's back to work I go. I don't mind the travel, it's far more stimulating than a desk job. I do mind being away from home sometimes. It limits how much I can take part in during my off hours. I can't get to the gym like I need to or attend any classes that are held during the weekday evenings. I miss being with my family and spending my down time at home instead of a hotel. But I do like the hotels (usually) because I get some alone time that I can not get at home. I get to have new experiences, meet new people, see new things. It's not that bad. So I guess I will keep doing this for a while.

This week I am off to East Texas. Kind of a tour of East Texas, going to Jacksonville, Kilgore and Longview. I have been to this part of the state many times before. It's not my favorite area, but it's not as bad as say...Houston. I think if the weather is cooler, it will be a nice trip. I am going back to East Texas later in the month, to Orange (oh NO!) and Beaumont. Beaumont is not all that bad (especially compared to Orange) and it has that wonderful bakery, Rao's. So it won't be the worst trip in the world.

The trick to traveling through out the state is to find something you like in each area. Like in Lubbock I REALLY like the Embassy hotel because the beds are the most comfortable in the world! In Beaumont it's Rao's bakery which is a dream. In Houston, it's being able to stay in The Woodlands which has this charming "Market Place" area; Or the prospect of possibly getting to stay at the Hilton Americas; Or going down Buffalo Speedway near Westheimer and seeing the topiaries in the median of the road. Abeline has Lytle's with the best steaks in the world! Fort Worth is close to where my really good friend lives. Dallas is just plain interesting to me and I don't have to drive too far from the airport to get to where I'll be working. Sherman and Denison are a trip down memory lane for me, because I went to college in Sherman. And so it just have to find the positive about each place and soon it's not so bad.

I am off to enjoy my last few moments of freedom. I have errands to run, naps to take and television to watch. That's all for now. See you "on the road".


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