Life is a Bumpy Road

Austin, Texas. Travel in Texas. Life in General. "Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - - -Dylan Thomas

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Location: Austin, Texas, United States

I am an esteemed alumni of Austin College in Sherman Texas (Class of "none of your business"). I graduated with a BA in Liberal Arts as a History Major. Subsequently, I have worked in the human services field since graduation because there aren't too many jobs out there for history majors. Except for my short incarceration in Sherman, I have always lived in Austin, Texas. That's not totally true, I was born in England and lived there approximately 18 months, but for some strange reason I don't remember living there. I travel through out Texas for my job, every week. So beware Texans, I might be coming to a town near you!! I am happily married to a wonderful guy and have 0 (zero, zilch) children. (We just forgot to have them?) I find life amusing now (I used to find it extremely depressing but that's another story). So here's to Life, which after all can be a very bumpy road!

"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions." -Albert Einstein

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Midlife Crisis or Hell on Earth

I suddenly stopped posting in January. My life got too complicated or I became too complicated. I am reaching the "midlife crisis" phase, better known among women as menopause. Suddenly I have been flooded with emotions that are very painful. I am having all sorts of regrets about my past, worries about my future and indifference about my present life. Along with all the emotional turmoil I am experiencing there are, of course, the physical issues which are too many and too random to go into right now. The thing is, I can't control any of this. No matter how hard I try, I can't shut it all off or tune it out. The thoughts and feelings just happen. Sometimes it feels like I am being forced to relive all my past transgressions. I have started likening menopause to Hell. Hell where you spend eternity being reminded of all the mistakes you ever made, people you hurt and wrong choices you made. It's very painful and not the least bit enlightening. I am unable to pick out any thing useful from reliving all these experiences in my head, just the feeling that I was and am a real sh*t.


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