San Antonio

and enjoyed the old Spanish style design. The San Antonio Botanical Gardens had two stunningly unique glass hot houses that just amazed us. And of course there is Broadway with the interesting shops and stores. Unfortunately one of my favorite places along Broadway, Earl Abels Restaurant has been torn down to make way for condos. Isn't that just the way!

I think the green lushness of everything made it everything even more attractive. They have had a significant amount of rain here this spring and all the grass, trees and plants are growing by leaps and bounds. In fact they had really heavy rains early Tuesday morning with high winds that broke some limbs off of the trees and dropped lots of leaves every where.
The traffic here is a little crazy right now with all the construction on I-10 and Loop 410, but it moves along, slowly, but at least it doesn't come coming to a complete halt like it can in Austin.
Labels: Starting Over
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