Lost Watch = Abandonment?!? I am REALLY losing it!

I lost my very favorite watch today. It was a fossil watch with a green dial and a prism crystal. Very unique. They don't make them anymore. I had thought about wearing it last night to go work out so I figured it had fallen off at the gym. But we went by the gym this morning and no one had turned in a watch. I had looked everywhere at home. On the dresser where I usually keep it, on the night stand, in my purse, by my computer, in the bathroom, in the car...ALL over the house, but it was no where. We even checked all the dirty clothes in the dirty clothes hamper. No luck.
I was aggravated and decided not to think about it anymore cause it was really upsetting me. I even got testy when my mother and my husband would ask me about it. They just made me think about it more and then I got even more upset. I kept thinking, "Everything and everyone I ever love, or have loved, has, or will, disappear eventually. Get used to it!" (I know. I am very cynical and pessimistic).
I decided that I had looked everywhere I could think of and it would either turn up sooner or later, or it was gone for good. Then this afternoon, I was opening my dresser drawer and lo and behold, there was my watch. It had fallen off the dresser into the open drawer!! Whew! I guess my theory was right! It had turned up.
But then again there had been that possibility that it might have been lost forever. And I hadn't wanted to face that. I didn't want to admit that it was true that everything I love will eventually disappear forever. I REALLY didn't want to accept that everyONE I love will eventually disappear. Although it has happened to me before, I don't want it to happen to me again! I need to accept that people don't live forever. And that sometimes, no matter how much you love them, people do disappear forever. Such is life. So I guess my aggravation wasn't really about the watch after all, was it?
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