Right to the Wrong LIfe?
Why don't people stand on the corner with posters of abused children, crack babies, battered wives, or dead soldiers? Why don't they protest the lack of money and resources available to help families with children born with multiple handicaps? The families whose lives are devastated because the child has drained all their emotional and financial resources? Why don't they protest the lack of services or affordable day care for the unwed mothers who give birth alone and have to put their child in day care, working 12-16 hours a day to make ends meet? Or worse leaving the child at home unattended because they can't afford day care. Why don't they have a poster of the students who end up pregnant and have to drop out of high school or college? The women who are dumped by the father of their child and have no financial and emotional support?
I realize it's a hard choice for many women to make, having an abortion. It's not the right choice every time, but it should be a choice. No man should have the right to take that choice away. They don't carry the baby, they don't give birth to the baby and alot of times they don't stick around to support the baby.
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