Life is a Bumpy Road
Austin, Texas. Travel in Texas. Life in General. "Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - - -Dylan Thomas

About Me
- Name: AustiNative
- Location: Austin, Texas, United States
I am an esteemed alumni of Austin College in Sherman Texas (Class of "none of your business"). I graduated with a BA in Liberal Arts as a History Major. Subsequently, I have worked in the human services field since graduation because there aren't too many jobs out there for history majors. Except for my short incarceration in Sherman, I have always lived in Austin, Texas. That's not totally true, I was born in England and lived there approximately 18 months, but for some strange reason I don't remember living there. I travel through out Texas for my job, every week. So beware Texans, I might be coming to a town near you!! I am happily married to a wonderful guy and have 0 (zero, zilch) children. (We just forgot to have them?) I find life amusing now (I used to find it extremely depressing but that's another story). So here's to Life, which after all can be a very bumpy road!
"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions." -Albert Einstein
Friday, October 11, 2019
Wednesday, January 06, 2016
Whatever happened to...?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Rare Austin Magazine

Worth a look. Pick it up free around town or subscribe to a monthly home delivery.
Labels: Starting Over
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Coping with the Elderly
Living longer is not necessarily a blessing. I realize that life being cut short is a horrible thing, but once you reach a stage in life where health is just getting worse and you emotional and mental outlook is's just not a good thing. Fortunately for me, my mother is doing ok right now which is really a blessing. Yes, she is tired all the time and sleeps a lot, but she isn't "suffering", so I feel pretty good about her situation in life. It's just that things could change drastically in the blink of an eye.
Labels: Starting Over
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Has it been this long since I posted anything?
Labels: Starting Over
Saturday, May 19, 2007
What's up around town? Lets see, I am sure there is some sort of bike ride or walk or run going on, there always is in this town. The Farmer's Market at the Triangle on Lamar looks like it might be open now. Jamie's Spanish Village is having a tribute to the late longtime owner Jamie Tamas. The Lavendar Fest is going on at Becker Vineyards. The Yellow Bike Project is celebrating it's birthday today at Ben's Long Branch BBQ. And I was mistaken about the dates of the O'Henry Pun Off, apparently it's this weekend? That's what the chronicle says. This is just a smattering of the MANY things to choose from around town this weekend. So get out there and do something!
Labels: Starting Over
Friday, May 18, 2007
Finally Friday!
Labels: Starting Over
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
This Week: San Angelo
The drive here from Austin was gorgeous! The wildflowers are everywhere, red, yellow and even some blue bonnets. The hills and fields are really green right now since they have had so much rain lately which makes the drive even prettier. It does take about 4 hours to get here (45 minutes of that time is to get out of Austin) so it is kind of a long haul.
Unfortunately my summer cold is still wrecking havoc with me, so I didn't get out much except to work and to go to the local Albertson's for provisions. I have been here before though and there is a great steak house on the edge of town call Twin Mountains which is a good choice for dinner.

As well as the cafe and saloon, Miss Hattie's has a museum of the bordello. Sounds very interesting! Miss Hattie's They also have a small cafe call Miss Hattie's which used to be a bordello. Apparently it was in operation until the Texas Rangers shut it down in 1946. I haven't been to it yet, but my friends say it is well worth it. Chances are I will be back here again soon, so I will get to try it out.
The Hampton Inn here is nice and clean and the beds are very comfy. It's easy to get to from the highway as well. I highly recommend it. I do have one comment about Hampton Inns, they give you little styrofoam cups to drink your coffee out of in your room. YUCK! Need to upgrade to real mugs Mr. Hilton! Haven't you heard styrofoam is bad for the environment??
Next Week: Amarillo! Woo Hoo!
Labels: Starting Over
Monday, May 14, 2007
Summer Cold
Labels: Starting Over
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day Tribute to My Mom

My Mother was very active all of her life. When she was just out of high school, she attended nurse's training in El Paso Texas where she became a Registered Nurse. During World War II, she worked at the army hospital in El Paso. She met my father after the war, got married and quit "working" for bit while she had two children and traveled the world with my father who was in the military. Once my father retired from the Air Force, they settled in Austin. My mother quickly became active in the life of the community here. She and my father joined a small, new Presbyterian Church in their neighborhood and were very active in the congregation. She also volunteered at the library at my elementary school. When we kids got old enough to stay home in the afternoons by ourselves, my mom went back to work for the Austin Health Department, inspecting Head Start Day Care Programs all around the city. Very few mothers worked outside the home in those days. But she was still a great mother to us even working full time.
Once I reached high school, my mother, now in her 50's, decided to return to school. She began working on her Bachelor's degree in Sociology at Texas State University in San Marcos Texas. It's about a 30 minute drive from Austin. But she did it all week long, by herself. An unusual thing for a 50 year old woman back then. After I left for college, my mother, having obtained her BA, went on to the University of Texas for her Masters in Library Science. Once she graduated, she began working for the Austin Independent School District at the Materials Processing Center for the school libraries.
When my mother retired from AISD, she really started getting involved in the community. She mentored children in reading at the local grade school because she believes so strongly in reading and education! She was (and still is) big into recycling. ACH! We never throw anything away in our house because it can be recycled somehow!
My mother served as the president of her neighborhood association and for many years.

She often spoke in front of the City Council on behalf of her neighborhood. She was an integral force behind the building of a permanent structure for her neighborhood's library. In honor of her efforts, a conference room was dedicated to her there. Mom was also in charge of the distribution of the newsletter for the neighborhood association. She made sure all the routes were covered by volunteers and even walked her own route delivering newsletters for several years. She learned all about computers in an effort to keep up with the newsletter and the neighborhood association. All of this community activism really started for my mother once she was in her 60's and 70's.
About 4 years ago, my husband and I decided to give up our house and move into my mom's house. She was about 83 at that time. My father had passed away and mom was living alone in the same house that I grew up in. We didn't want her to have to move from her home or to leave the neighborhood she had worked so hard for, so we stored most of our furniture and squeezed back into the old house. It's been 4 years now, and mom is 87 years old. She's losing her hearing, walking a little wobbly, and not too good with the short term memory at times. I have to say my husband is a real sweetheart. He manages to cope with her very well, but it's frustrating at times. My mother would really would like to get around better and not be so tired all the time. However, old age has caught up with her. She still tries to do things that she really shouldn't do now. I know it makes her upset when we caution her or when she isn't able to do what she used to do.
All in all, it's hard to grow old. But the one thing my mother hasn't lost is her sense of integrity. About her family, her friends, and her community. That's the one thing I know she will always hold on to and that's the one thing that truly makes her a very special person and a terrific mother.

Windsor Park Branch Library
Windsor Park Neighborhood Association
Northeast Austin Caregivers
Labels: Starting Over
Friday, May 11, 2007
Whole Foods Is Eating Up the Competition
Whole Foods Market is thinking of buy up one of it's competitors, Wild Oats Market. I used to be a Whole Foods Market Fan until they built that new mammoth store on Lamar that's like some sort of amusement park ride to get in and out of. Now they are gobbling up their competition like some giant monster. Really, this store gives organic foods a bad name. At least in Austin we still have Wheatsville Co-op and Sun Harvest as well as the more main stream Central Market to shop in, instead of Whole Foods. I think I am through with the Whole Foods Market industry. I can remember when Whole Foods first started in Austin in a small little store north on Lamar from where they are now located. It was like a neighborhood store. Business practices aside, Whole Foods stores have become too big and unruly to shop in if you go to the bigger markets. The Austin Business Journal also mentioned that profits were down some this quarter for Whole Foods due to their investment in several new stores. Is it the age old story of too much growth too quickly?
Labels: Starting Over
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I Love Ugly Betty

I don't know why, but I love the show "Ugly Betty". It's just different. And I can relate somewht. I am/was an Ugly Betty, just with out the big heart, the loyalty to family and friends and the pleasant nature. Ok, so I am just Ugly...but that's close! I never miss an episode and of course just in case I TiVo it at home to make sure I don't.
Labels: Starting Over
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
San Antonio

and enjoyed the old Spanish style design. The San Antonio Botanical Gardens had two stunningly unique glass hot houses that just amazed us. And of course there is Broadway with the interesting shops and stores. Unfortunately one of my favorite places along Broadway, Earl Abels Restaurant has been torn down to make way for condos. Isn't that just the way!

I think the green lushness of everything made it everything even more attractive. They have had a significant amount of rain here this spring and all the grass, trees and plants are growing by leaps and bounds. In fact they had really heavy rains early Tuesday morning with high winds that broke some limbs off of the trees and dropped lots of leaves every where.
The traffic here is a little crazy right now with all the construction on I-10 and Loop 410, but it moves along, slowly, but at least it doesn't come coming to a complete halt like it can in Austin.
Labels: Starting Over
Friday, May 04, 2007
"Places I Like About Austin" Has Moved!!
Labels: Starting Over
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Eeyore's Birthday Party

It feels like I blogged about Eeyore's Birthday Party just the other day, but apparently it's been a full year. We missed it again this year, like we have the last 10 years or so, but that's life. When I was younger it was one of THE things to do in the spring in Austin. Now that I am older, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...not so much.
We were shopping at Central Market this weekend and the checker (who was much younger than us) had just been to Eeyore's for the first time. She was thrilled with it. We told her we had both been to it many times in the past but we were now much older and didn't go anymore. She looked at us like she was thinking: "Yeah, right. You are old and probably never did go to Eeyore's. Or if you did, it wasn't as cool then as it is now. I'm NEVER gonna be as old as you and not want to go to Eeyore's." We just smiled and walked away thinking, "Just wait, honey, we thought we would never get old either!"
"Ah well, perhaps one has to be very old before one learns how to be amused rather than shocked." --Pearl Buck
Labels: Starting Over
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Stuck in Fort Worth

I have nothing against Fort Worth. It's a fine city as cities go, but to be stuck here working and staying in a hotel for 4 straight days, isn't fine. I have suffered through torrential rains and thunderstorms with hail and tornadoes while I have been here.

Labels: Starting Over
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Old Austin Music Scene
THE COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED LIST OF VULCAN GAS COMPANY. Many thanks to Dennis Hickey who has a nice history of Texas Music and Austin in particular written up on the site. The Vulcan Gas Company was a legendary club in the late 60's and early 70's. A really good time for Austin. I particulary was found of the little dives like the AusTex Lounge, the Alamo Hotel Lounge, the original Hole in the Wall...the list goes on forever. You can link to a list of "dead clubs" in Austin at

Outside the Vulcan Gas Company circa 1967
Labels: Starting Over
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Interesting Events in Austin this Month
The Harry Ransom Center
21st St. And Guadalupe
Austin, TX 78713
The earliest known permanent photograph taken by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in 1826 of the view from his window wil be on display. This is part of their Focus on Photography program series. The HRC is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. You can go to their 50th anniversary website to view an interactive timeline of the Center's history, photo galleries, and more.
Beto and the Fairlanes
Friday April 20
Elephant Room
315 Congress Ave
Austin, TX 78701

One of my all time favorite Austin bands is playing at the Elephant room this Friday! They have a unique sound that is purely Texas. It's a can't miss opportunity!
Labels: Starting Over
Waterloo is 25!!!

Waterloo Records is celebrating it's 25th anniversary with a concert in the parking lot today from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.. It's free , but donations will be accepted at the door to benefit Health Alliance for Austin Musician(HAAM). They're having food and drinks provided by Waterloo Ice House and Amy's Ice Creams. The event is sponsored by AT&T, the Austin Chronicle, Shiner Beers, 107.1 KGSR, Whole Foods, Seattle's Best, and Whole Earth.
So get on down there, you've already missed alot of the free fun!!
The Lineup Includes:
12:00 - Carolyln Wonderland
12:25 - Ruthie Foster
1:00 - Grupo Fantasma
2:00 - Brothers & Sisters
3:00 - Joe Ely
4:00 - Zykos
5:00 - Eisley
6:00 - Omar & the Howlers
Labels: Starting Over