Walmart = Wasteful

This week I am in Alvin Texas, childhood home of Nolan Ryan. It's not that small anymore. I can remember driving through Alvin several years ago and there was hardly anything there, but now it has grown into quite a town. It was busy and full of life. Since it is not that far from Houston, I am sure it is full of people who work in the city and live in Alvin. But it still maintains a rural atmosphere with lots of farms and livestock along the way. We stayed in a hotel in Houston and drove to Alvin everyday so I got to see alot of the scenery in between. There are miniature horses in a field along the road to Alvin that are as cute as can be and a lot of small farms with cows and horses and sheep. Alvin is smaller by far than it's neighbor Pearland which is the home of the fighting oilers. Pearland has a huge new highschool with of course a football stadium. It appears that their mascot is an oil derrick. Hmmmmm?
Pearland seemed like a fairly nice town as well. Lots of new homes being built and a lot of businesses including a brand new Super Walmart. They built it right across the street from the old Walmart, which is now standing closed and abandoned. I don't really like Walmart. Their buildings are huge, ugly and surrounded by acres of asphalt parking lot. But mostly they are wasteful and inconsiderate!! Walmart insists on building brand new buildings to enlarge their stores and leaving a shell of a big box store standing empty nearby. Can't they just add on to the old one? They refuse to provide benefits for their employees, keeping them working just below full time status at minimum wage. As far as I can see Walmart is a good example of what is wrong with our economy and our country. They have no heart and soul.
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